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Chungnam National University! Dormitory and campus

Introduction of Chungnam National University! 

Dormitory and campus

It is located in Daejeon, South Korea You can see it as the center of Korea

So transportation and access are convenient

It is a good school that is selected as a good school in Korea.

ㅁChungnam National University

priority! The school is huge! You know, 

Korea is a very small country Chungnam National University is 

famous as one of the largest universities in Korea.


The number of students is as large as the school's large lot. 

The dormitory is also very big

Chungnam National University is a school 

with students from all over the country. 

The dormitory system is good

There are many types of dormitories,

 and there are many dormitory buildings.

There is also a separate dormitory for foreigners.

There are various amenities in the dormitory, 

convenience store, laundry, restaurant,

playground, atm, and lounge.


Because the school is wide, it is a place where school buses run

It is divided into A route and B route. 

If you don't take the bus, you have to walk for a while Fortunately, 

the library is close to the dormitory. 

There are so many dormitory buildings and well-equipped facilities, 

so you won't have to go out of campus.

How do you come to Chungnam University?

 You can take the train, change the subway, and come. 

If you use the city bus, you can come more comfortably.


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